Lessons on Learning

School-EnglandIn a recent article in The Economist, my favorite magazine (minus any that report on realty TV ;-)., has a great article entitled “A very British business: Some lessons from the success of Britain’s elite private schools.” The article notes three areas where business could learn a lesson from (essentially) K-12 schools in Britian:

  1. “The first is that ‘tradition’ and ‘innovation’ need not be mutually exclusive.”  In short, you can be in a business and still have enough vision to innovate/re-envision the business.
  2. “Performance measurement isn’t something performers are scared of. “I had a call today with a former long-term client.  His son is looking at attending a boot camp.  I shared to ask for scores and placement rates at program completion.
  3. “…insiders can make the best revolutionaries.” In the article, it shares that effective transformers can come from inside a business.  I agree.



Breakfast with Values Champions

On April 21, from 7:30 to 9:00, I’ll be speaking at the Breakfast with Values Champions.  It’s held at the College of St. Catherine and all are welcome to attend.  Please see speaker line-up and more information below.



Breakfast with Values Champions Breakfast is a learning community for forwardthinking leaders and organizations interested in expanding their capacity to  “be who they say they are.” You can expect to engage with other leaders committed to aligning their values and purpose with all areas of how they do business: developing your executive team, strategy that is broadly owned, leading change, employee engagement, measures and metrics, engagement, onboarding and more.

Values Champions includes distinguished leaders of Fortune 500 companies, authentic non-profit leaders and entrepreneurs committed to building organizations that value people as much as profit. They will share how they align values with policies and make tough decisions while staying true to their stated mission, vision and organizational values.

COST PER EVENT: $25 or reserve a team table of five people for $115 per event
(includes breakfast, networking, speaker and parking)

TO REGISTER: https://valuesbreakfast.eventbrite.com

Building a Best Place to Work with the Final Four










(Above, Intertech employees taking in some March Madness)

There was an interesting article titled “Watch March Madness at work?” on CNN.com.  It shares that viewing parties, like watching the Final Four, help create employee engagement.  The article states “Studies suggest three factors are essential to the development of authentic, meaningful friendships: familiarity (being around the same colleague often), similarity (finding commonalities in your background), and self-disclosure (revealing personal information about yourself every now and then, and having your co-worker do the same).”

The article goes on to say that we’re more likely to give our best when we’re engaged and have friends at work.  In short, we’ll give our best because we don’t want to let them down.