The Reasons Behind Changes in Leadership Communication

This is the third post in a series on leadership communication.  This series is based on an article in the June 2012 issue of Harvard Business Review by Groysberg and Slind.  In it, they cite five core reasons behind the dramatic shift in leadership communication over the past decade.  The reasons are economic, organizational, global, generational, and technological:

  • Economically, the increase in service and knowledge-based industries has increased the need for faster, frictionless communication
  • Organizationally, companies are flatter and faster with more decisions being made by front-line employees
  • Globally, employees can be around the world.  This demands infrastructure for conversations
  • Generationally, younger workers don’t hope for two-way conversation from their leaders, they expect it
  • Technologically, the internet and social media platforms make communication instant and around the clock

In the next post, I’ll share specific ways that we support leadership as a conversation at Intertech.


Leadership as a Conversation and Communication

As shared in the first post in this series, Boris Groysberg and Michael Slind in June’s Harvard Business Review wrote about leadership as a conversation.

They state in today’s connected and flatter organizations a communicate-and-collaborate style not commmmand-and-control works best.

“The command-and-control approach to management has … become less viable. Globalization, new technologies, and changes in how companies create value and interact with customers.”

Communication today is more dynamic and connected.  Further, even if the person in charge doesn’t want those under them to have a voice.  They do.  For great proof of this, look at the Arab Spring.

In Building a Winning Business, I dedicate a section of the book to communication.  To be successful, communication needs to be institutionalized and backed up with systems and processes.  At Intertech, we’ve done this–from an enterprise “Intertech-only” social network to leadership team daily huddles at day’s end to a yearly Town Hall where employees, minus management, share their thoughts on the business.

Next post:  The leadership communication new realities

Leadership Is a Conversation

“Leadership” is a lot like a U.S. Supreme Court Justice once described pornography: “Hard to define, but easy to recognize when you see it!” All joking aside, defining leadership is important for those of us who are interested in being effective leaders.

A recent Harvard Business Review (June 2012) article, “Leadership is a Conversation” by Boris Groysberg and Michael Slind, does a great job of defining positive leadership through the art of conversation. (The two also teamed up to write the book, Talk, Inc.: How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power their Organizations, Harvard Business Review Press, 2012). In my book, Building a Winning Business, I dedicate five chapters in the leadership section to the topic of communication. There also are five other chapters sprinkled throughout the rest of the book on the importance of communication, including chapter 18 (Involve the Team when Defining Values), chapter 28 (Let Everyone Weigh In), chapter 41 (Communicate at the Beginning to Avoid Problems at the end) and chapter 46 (Communicate Early and Often).

So, please believe me when I tell you that I’m excited about this new work by Groysberg and Slind, which goes way beyond the One Minute Manager concept and includes observations based on interviews with nearly 150 people at more than 100 companies: large and small, blue chip and start up, for profit and non-profit, U.S. and international. Building upon insights and examples gleaned from this research, they developed a model of leadership called “Organizational Conversation,” which they define as having the following attributes: (1) intimacy, (2) interactivity, (3) inclusion and (4) intentionality.

“Talking with employees, rather than to them, can promote operational flexibility, employee engagement and tight strategic alignment,” notes Groysberg, a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, and Slind, a professional writer and editor.

I’m going to take some time to explore “Organizational Conversation” as a leadership model in my upcoming posts. I’ll also share some of the lessons learned along these lines at Intertech. Please share your thoughts and observations too. After all, a conversation can only happen when there is an open exchange of ideas and information!

Next post: Just what, exactly, is Leadership Communication?

The secret behind Intertech’s success

Yesterday, we celebrated our 20th year anniversary at Intertech with customers, employees, partners, friends, and family.  100’s attended in-person and live via simulcast.  It was a wonderful event.

I give my thanks to all who coordinated, participated, and attended.  We wouldn’t be possible without you.  I’m humbled by your support and commitment.  Thank you.

Onto the final post in this series…

In the previous four posts I have explained the business development philosophy called “Act-Learn-Build” as described by Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer and Paul B. Brown called Just Start: Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future (Harvard Business Review Press, March 2012). I’ve also described how this approached has worked at Intertech, with both failed and successful new ventures. In this last post of this series, I will share the secret that belies the success.

In a word: “Passion!” Without passion for the venture, there’s not much point in trying. While we have started small in all of the new initiatives I described, there always has been an underlying passion driving the effort. Extending the reach of Intertech’s consulting and training means extending the things that we already care deeply about and deliver on with a high degree of client satisfaction.

In the March 2012 issue of Harvard Business Review, the Just Start authors summarize the Act-Learn-Build approach and include a sidebar titled “Why Desire Matters.” I will conclude today’s post with an excerpt that sums it all up:

“It doesn’t make sense to venture into the unknown unless it’s for something you care about. Desire motivates you to act, enables you to persist, and makes you more creative when confronted with obstacles. That doesn’t mean you must have a big idea or a grand passion, at least not at first. Most entrepreneurs begin with a simple interest in a market, product, or service—an itch they need to scratch—and pursue it because it feels satisfying or because they think it might lead to something that does. “

The article also includes some great advice for people who work inside large corporations and who may feel they have less freedom to try new ideas:

“Very few of work at places like Google, where the business model is open, and pet projects are expected to take up to 20 percent of employees’ time. Consider the goals of your company, your division and your boss, and then figure out whether you can link them to what you care about. If you have just been handed a new company initiative, look for something in it that excites you—even if it’s just the project’s potential to boost your career. If you can’t find that connection, consider stepping aside. While it’s certainly possible to try the “Act-Learn-Build” strategy when desire isn’t present, it won’t be much fun and your chance of success will be significantly compromised.

Winning big by starting small

If you’ve been following this current series of posts based on the new book by Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer and Paul B. Brown called Just Start: Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future (Harvard Business Review Press, March 2012), you know about the “Act-Learn-Build” approach to getting new initiatives off the ground. And you know it’s an approach that I heartily endorse. Today I want to explain why.

Intertech has grown its business revenue by 34% percent in the past year thanks to three new ventures that all were begun with a modest investment: virtual training, remote consulting and our developer training reseller program.

In the case of virtual training, we started very slowly by spending about $25 thousand to build one room capable of accommodating the technical requirements of providing developer training on a virtual basis. Amazingly, we recouped that initial investment in a matter of months. Since then we have expanded our virtual training facilities dramatically and by the end of last year 40 percent of our public enrollments were virtual.

With remote consulting we were totally shooting in the dark. Specifically, we did not know if customers would be comfortable working with us remotely, particularly in areas where we are considered national leaders (TFS, Azure, iPhone and Android).  At the end of the day, heavy marketing to create awareness and leveraging the infrastructure we already use to deliver training allowed us to effectively provide IT consulting services remotely.  Is it working?  We recently landed a deal with a firm out of South Korea.

What we learned from our initial foray into this area was those customers were completely indifferent to our physical location as long as we consistently deliver as expected. Because this new venture is highly profitable, we continue to invest in technologies to facilitate smooth communication and document sharing.

Our training reseller program is the other “hit” I’d like to tell you about. In this instance, we created a program that allows other training companies (in other markets) to promote our courses and receive a percentage of the sale when their students attend our live instructor-led courses.

This arrangement is a win-win because larger training firms often do not want to invest in creating developer training courses since it represents a relatively small percentage of revenue compared to the rest of their business. They pay nothing to list our courses in their materials and receive revenue if their students choose to attend, all the while providing value to clients by helping to satisfy an important niche training need. Intertech has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in new business thanks to the reseller program.

Next post: The secret behind these successes.