#6: Inspiration

Inspiring group pride and fostering a positive emotional tone is another key quality in the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory. There are many ways for leaders to inspire and encourage positive emotions, but one of the best we’ve found is to give employees a way to give back to others.

Intertech has a long history of volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, which provides housing for families of terminally ill children. Four to six times per year for the past five years, Intertech employees have taken time off during the workday to host birthday parties at the RMH. We bring cake and treats, we play games, we sing songs and we generally act like goofy kids ourselves while helping sad children forget about hospitals and critically ill siblings for a little while.

Not only do we help them; they help us too. Our parties make us feel happy and they bring us together as a team. Employees have told us consistently that the chance to participate in this special activity is one of the best parts of their association with Intertech.

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