Using Goals for Getting the Life You Want
If you’ve read, The 100: Building Blocks for Business Leadership, you know I dedicate a section to life goals. Below’s summary of my thoughts on values, goals, and an outlook on life.
How do you define what matters most? Imagine your funeral. For me, what roles in my life would I want mentioned (e.g. father, son, husband, professional, volunteer, etc.)? What do I want to create? What do I want to give? At its core, this exercise really comes down to defining values. Values bring meaning to our lives and provide guidance for goals.
Goals transform vision to reality. Here are a few practical tips: Write goals down, break them down into daily/monthly steps. Review daily.
As shared by Tony Robbins, one of the best ways to change how we feel is to “Replace expectation with appreciation.”
Here’s to an awesome 2018 and beyond!
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