Team SuperManners – An Illustrated Book for Preschoolers


This year, I had a goal to write an illustrated kid’s book (while my kids were young enough to enjoy seeing themselves as characters in a book).

I’m happy to say that Team SuperManners, The Well-Behaved Adventures of Zander the Dog, Sweet Cheeks, and Baby Girl is finished and on Amazon in print and Kindle.

Jakob Bartels was the illustrator.  Jakob is a phenom.  At only 17 years-old, he was the designer of the crest for the USS Minnesota submarine.  My huge thanks to his father, Chris, who’s been our marketing consultant for over a decade.  Chris graciously volunteered his time to make this book a reality and once again made a project a ton better because of his involvement.

If you’re seeing this post/message and would like a free copy, just fire me an email or send a message with your address.

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