Intertech Announces STEM Scholarship (Post 2 of 2)

STEM-Logo-300x178Second of two blog posts in this series

Last time I shared news about Intertech’s new philanthropic focus on science and technology learning. I also mentioned the new $2,500 scholarship being funded by the Intertech Foundation for an aspiring computer science freshman college student. And I promised to delve more deeply into the topic of computer science careers.

First, some facts:

  • Nine out of the 10 “Best Jobs for 2014” fell into the STEM category (science, technology, engineering and math), according to and
  • Software engineer and computer systems analyst ranked 7th and 8th with midlevel income listed as $93,350 and $79,680 respectively. Among the reasons for their high rank: low stress, great work environment and positive job outlook.
  • If these jobs are among the best paying, with the lowest stress and strongest job outlook, why is there a shortage of qualified programmers for companies like Intertech to hire?

Now for the truly weird part, at least to me! According to recent news reports, there is no lack of qualified people to fill these jobs—software engineers in particular.

“What STEM Shortage?”, an article in the National Review (5/20/14), states that “the sector isn’t seeing wage growth and has more graduates than jobs.” This article cites reports by the Economic Policy Institute, The RAND Corporation, the Urban Institute and the National Research Council. The Atlantic magazine also has a piece this month, “The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage,” that bears checking out.

It’s difficult to argue with such formidable sources, but it’s also hardly a secret that there’s a shortage of outstanding software engineers in Minnesota. Intertech employs several full-time recruiters who beat the proverbial bushes with vigor to find and engage them. We also work hard to be a great place to work and have received three awards this year alone validating our efforts. But still we struggle to find enough high caliber people to fill these excellent positions.

Could the disconnect be due to our high expectations? Simply having a degree in a STEM-related field does not automatically qualify someone to work here. I suspect this is true at other companies in Minnesota as well. This is why our new scholarship has some unusual criteria for someone interested in computer science, including:

  • A one-page essay describing how the student hopes to participate in the professional software development industry.
  • Two letters of recommendation, including at least one from a science or math teacher who knows the student well.
  • A resume describing academic, extracurricular and employment experience.
  • Description of any involvement in the FIRST Robotics program (not a requirement but it does mean extra points in our scoring process).

Why all the hoops if the student has good grades, a strong GPA and interest in programming? We want to cultivate well-rounded professionals who not only understand how to code, but also can communicate verbally and in writing. We want to hire people who can work with others and are not afraid to raise their hand and get involved. In other words, we want leaders with strong technical skills.

That’s a tall order but if we don’t set the bar high, who will? Some have opined that cultivating U.S. students with strong technology and leadership skills not only has implications for workforce development, but also for national security concerns and immigration policy. I’ll leave those global issues to the think-tank leaders to sort out, even as I remain passionately committed to the development of the next generation of technology leaders. Our clients expect the best and we intend to keep delivering it!


Intertech Announces STEM Scholarship (Post 1 of 2)

STEM-Logo-300x178First of two blog posts in this series

Maybe it has something to do with becoming a dad—or maybe it’s just the good ‘ole enlightened self-interest of a technology business owner—but in the past year I’ve help guide an expansion of Intertech’s philanthropy and the giving focus of the Intertech Foundation to include science and technology learning for young people.

Specifically, Intertech (the company) became a sponsor of the FIRST Robotics Minnesota regional high school tournaments in Duluth and Minneapolis. In addition, Intertech Foundation provided 50 grants to individual FIRST teams across the country. And, most recently, the Foundation has begun funding a $2,500 college scholarship to help an aspiring computer science student with his or her first year of academic expenses. We plan to make our first award to a worthy student beginning college in the fall of 2015.

We don’t expect our philanthropy efforts to single-handedly turn the tide of frequently disappointing math and science scores among U.S. high school students. Fortunately, we do not have to carry the burden alone. Thousands of new programs exist to encourage K-12 students to do better in these areas and, equally important, to understand the important connection between STEM education—science, technology, engineering and mathematics—and great career opportunities. (I will explore the STEM/career angle more in my next post).

You’ve probably read about the movement to teach kids software coding skills. There’s a good video (Ted YouTube channel) featuring Mitch Resnick from the MIT Media Lab on the importance of helping kids to become “fluent” with new technologies. He describes how learning to create software builds problem-solving, creativity and communication skills. I couldn’t agree more.

Many mistakenly assume kids are “digital natives” Resnick explains, but he rightly points out the difference between using technology and having the skills to make it. He uses the analogy of being fluent in a foreign language: it’s one thing to read it and quite another to speak or even write it. The latter is the goal of MIT’s Scratch software program, which demystifies computer coding and makes it fun and easy for anyone to be creative with software (check it out on the MIT website and share your projects with me here!).

I’m excited that Intertech now is helping to support the FIRST (“For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology”) program, both in Minnesota and across the country. As noted on the FIRST website, this excellent “mentor-based program builds science, engineering and technical skills, inspires innovation and fosters well-rounded capabilities, self-confidence, communication skills and leadership.”

FIRST was founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen in Manchester, New Hampshire. He had a modest goal: “To transform our culture by becoming a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders.”

I think it’s clear the first part of that goal has been recognized. Who ever would have predicted that “geeks” would be “cool”? The success of smart phones, iPads and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter tell us how much our world has changed since 1989.

I don’t believe the second part of Kamen’s goal has been realized however. How many kids dream about becoming science and technology leaders? Could it be the disconnect between understanding how technology really works and how fun it is to use that keeps young people from pursuing such a path? Do they fail to grasp the incredible career opportunities and lifestyle benefits available to people in the computer science field?

Hope you’ll join me next time for a further exploration of this issue.


$10K Training Sweepstakes, Free Pi Workshops, Scholarship, Free Book

Building-a-Winning-Business-BookAs we enter 2014, Intertech and I have free learning opportunities and some new support programs for students:

  1. With Intertech’s training sweepstakes, we’re giving away $10,000 worth of training for a team of up to four IT professionals.  Throw your hat in the ring and register today!
  2. Thanks to Jim White, my business partner, you can learn Raspberry Pi development in a series of 10 Raspberry Pi programming workshops on Intertech’s blog.
  3. If have a kid involved in a Lego or Robotics League in Minnesota, watch Intertech’s website for our upcoming announcement of our support program for up to 50 teams.  In addition, we are going to help sponsor the Minnesota First Regional competition in March ’14 at the University of Minnesota.
  4. Watch our website for the announcement of our upcoming scholarship.  Offered to an undergraduate computer science or STEM student, the Intertech Foundation will be awarding $2,500 to an undergrad student in ’14.
  5. Finally, for everyone (no application or sweepstakes required), I’m giving away a copy of my book Building a Winning Business.  Feel free to share this post or the link to the PDF.

Let’s make it a great ’14!


With Training, Take the Long View – 3rd and Final in the Series

Upside-DownAs I described in my previous post, I’m taking issue with the article: “Who Can Fix the ‘Middle-Skills’ Gap?” by Thomas Kochan, David Finegold and Paul Osterman, which appeared in the December 2012 issue of Harvard Business Review. The authors simply accept at face value the notion that individual employers should not train employees because those employees might leave. I disagree.

In fact, I believe the best way to retain employees is to continually offer them great training. At our annual senior leadership offsite planning retreat, we always have an agenda item around how we ensure job satisfaction for our associates. We believe there are multiple components, including:

  • Stimulating, challenging work
  • Clear expectations
  • Continuous feedback
  • Unparalleled learning
  • Explicit career paths
  • Fair reward and recognition
  • Inclusive culture

I recently did a presentation to the leadership team of a local college on “programs or incentives to increase morale and productivity.” I explained that if the above components aren’t covered, no program or bonus system matters. Focus on the core blocking and tackling of creating satisfied/happy/productive employees!

Similar to training, professional certification makes some employers feel at-risk for losing talent (after their people become certified). There was a local, large firm who stopped incentivizing their employees to be certified because its management believed certification created opportunities for people to leave.

Here, too, I think it is short sighted. We pay for study materials, pay for the exam (pass or fail), and give a spot-bonus of $750 for each technical exam passed (for Microsoft, there are typically four exams in a certification so it’s $3K total). That investment in our people is small in comparison to the benefits we reap: extraordinarily loyal and satisfied employees who do great work! Our employees are happy, our customers are happy and Intertech thrives. It may sound simplistic, but it’s a formula that works!

With Training, Take the Long View – 2nd in a Series

Tidal-WaveAs I described in my previous post, I’m taking issue with some of the assumptions in the article: “Who Can Fix the ‘Middle-Skills’ Gap?” by Thomas Kochan, David Finegold and Paul Osterman, which appeared in the December 2012 issue of Harvard Business Review. They write:

“An acute shortage of trained people to fill millions of openings for technical jobs is undermining U.S. competitiveness and worsening income disparity.”

Ok, I don’t disagree with them on that! But then the authors go on to say:

“Companies fear that if they invest in training on their own, competitors that don’t make similar investments will lure away their workers.”

I honestly do not see this as issue with Intertech training customers. While I suppose well-trained employees can and do get poached on occasion, it is shortsighted to try to prevent this problem by not training your people. That is the so-called logic that made it a crime to teach a slave to read. It creates a weaker organization over time (and it certainly did not help the United States either).

Keeping people in a “one down” position makes them angry and resentful. Not investing in people as a way of keeping them down is a slippery slope toward a culture of repression. And it doesn’t work. Smart, determined people will find ways to build skills on their own and will join organizations that actually value them.

I’ve long believed—and seen the results to validate my belief—that even without adding a single new employee in one year, we are still stronger by year-end simply through continuous training and certification of our current people.

Next time: The practical aspects of taking the long view!