Getting On-Boarding Right
From pre-K to college, professional teachers understand the critical importance of a successful school year launch. “Onboarding Isn’t Enough,” from a recent Harvard Business Review states new employees need to be fully integrated into the culture of the company. In the study of senior executives:
“Organizational culture and politics, not lack of competence or managerial skill, were the primary reasons for failure.” For new executives to succeed the research stated requires:
- Assuming operational leadership
- Taking charge of the team
- Aligning with stakeholder
- Engaging with the culture
- Defining strategic intent
In my book, The 100: Building Blocks for Business Leadership, I explain in chapter 30 how we set the tone quickly, upon acceptance of our offer, we:
- Send a letter of congratulations
- Courier a floral arrangement delivery to their home
- Send an email explaining what to expect the first week
In short, take time and care to communicate with new employees.
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