The Reasons Behind Changes in Leadership Communication

This is the third post in a series on leadership communication.  This series is based on an article in the June 2012 issue of Harvard Business Review by Groysberg and Slind.  In it, they cite five core reasons behind the dramatic shift in leadership communication over the past decade.  The reasons are economic, organizational, global, generational, and technological:

  • Economically, the increase in service and knowledge-based industries has increased the need for faster, frictionless communication
  • Organizationally, companies are flatter and faster with more decisions being made by front-line employees
  • Globally, employees can be around the world.  This demands infrastructure for conversations
  • Generationally, younger workers don’t hope for two-way conversation from their leaders, they expect it
  • Technologically, the internet and social media platforms make communication instant and around the clock

In the next post, I’ll share specific ways that we support leadership as a conversation at Intertech.