Post #6 – last in a series of 6 posts on balance: Balance Success with Giving Back

RMH-Logo-SmallGiving, no matter the reason, is crucial to living a balanced, successful life.  Further, I think the very approach taken in giving should be balanced as well. By this I mean, it is better to have a planned and systematic approach to philanthropy.  And it’s important to give consistently, not just when believed affordable.  It’s been said, “The best way to know you have enough of something is to give part of it away.” I agree.

In my book, Building a Winning Business, I devote chapter 69 to this topic (“Embrace Corporate Responsibility”). Intertech’s approach has been to create a separate organization that’s a company-sponsored foundation.  The purpose of the foundation is giving financial support to cash-strapped families with terminally ill children. Intertech has donated $175,000 to the foundation.

As important as financial giving, we have focused volunteering.  Every few months, we throw a birthday party for families staying at the local Ronald McDonald House.  The parties start with cake and crafts and finish with a piñata.  The piñata is the recipient of violence and source of smiles.  Most of the kids at the party are family members of a sibling at the hospital… my hope is the parties provide a brief moment to return to just being kids.

We are more engaged, I believe, than ever.  While not the goal, some new employees have shared that our company’s visible commitment to philanthropy is a point of difference as they weighed various employment options.

Turns out that getting some balance through giving back is highly valued – a real win-win for us and the community.